Enlight (1991- 1992)

Hiking with family in the early ‘90s led to new mazes of natural environments, one being the grape vineyards on the Mississippi State campus. These were a new way of getting lost, entering, with my young sons, a childhood kingdom of the Path, the Woods, the Creek, the Vines; reopening “Entrances” (1991) to sensory-immersive fields of play. Then, out of sunlight, into winter darkness, I descended. The Baroque idea of limited light against dark led to a group of watercolor works of interior objects under candle glow, such as “Wake”, “Vigil”, and “Communion”, to deal with grief over humans and creatures devastated by the massive Gulf oil spill and slew of hurricanes of ’90 and ’91. The subject- luminosity/numinosity- considers the relationship of light to Light, made myth-story through local, each-day-appearing color forms around me.


Deep Harvest (1990)


Radiant Edge (1993)